Quantum Self Help For Writers


This week I'm going  to do the one thing that modern physicists apparently hate most - to try and equate quantum mechanics with self help.

I say 'modern'  because before Sir Isaac Newton, scientists included lots of free thinking alchemists and philosophers who saw no conflict in mixing metaphysics with scientific practice and experimentation.

Ironically, Newton himself wrote more about astrology, numerology and alchemy than he ever did about gravity. You'd think that scientists everywhere would learn from his example.

Anyway, recently I've been reading a lot about the latest theories on quantum mechanics - you know, all that stuff that says that at the smallest point of existence, there seems to be nothing rational going on - nothing we can record 'properly' anyway.

It seems nowadays quantum physicists are a sullen lot. They want to keep all this mind-blowing good stuff to themselves. They've not only discovered that reality is really just a collection of  possible worlds - and that perhaps the Universe is just a huge hologram -  but then they've gone ahead and proved it, with math at least.

And then they wonder why the rest of us think this is a too important to leave them alone to sort out the answers why!

Don't they realize that the universe is waving a big flag at them and saying, "There is no rational, empirical explanation unless you include the  metaphysical stuff!"

Scientists already know that the observer is part of reality - and that the act of creation somehow requires  consciousness - but still they don't want us to know about it, let alone  think about it!

Crazy. Because every self help guru, modern philosopher, mystic, psychic and new ager out there has been saying all this for years - and still the quantum physicists are surprised when we  jump all over the proof we've been looking for!

Whatever, now, it's my turn. In the great tradition of irritating the crap out of rational scientists with new age quantum flapdoodle (Michael Sherman, 2005), I have my own theory to present.

Namely, that the human brain is no less than a quantum computer - the mechanics of which I will explain to you later in this article. Plus, how this revelation can help your writing, inspiration and creativity in many and surprising ways.

To help  reassure you, I'm not alone in this idea. The esteemed Dean Radin from the Institute of Noetic Sciences, California, is in full agreement with me on this one - although his ideas extend uncomfortably (for some) into the paranormal. But really, as he points out, paranormal is a relative  term. When science proves telepathy and clairvoyance, for instance, these phenomena will then become 'normal'.

The Quantum Brain

Here's where it gets tricky to get your head around (no pun intended.)

Okay. We  know that thinking, reacting to the outside world and taking action triggers neurons to fire around the brain. Literally billions of  electrical impulses flash simultaneously at super fast speeds to help us  weigh up a myriad of possibilities in our conscious and subconscious  minds.

It does this to help us make decisions, think thoughts and experience emotions.We also know that there are synaptic gaps in our brains - that is there is literally a 'space' between neurotransmitter molecules. This space  allows for 'new' neural pathways and connections to be made - otherwise,  whenever we considered something, we'd never be able to escape from a  loop of our 'old' thoughts.We need these potential new pathways to come up with original thoughts, new reactions or new solutions to old stimuli.

Anyway,  the synaptic gaps are tiny - quantum tiny. And the theory is that at this minute point of neurotransmitter exchange, potential thought  patterns (actually calcium ions) lose the stability of normal matter - in other words they acquire the characteristics of quantum elements.

In these moments of quantum uncertainty, thought, intention and  consciousness are in a state of limbo - where no time, distance and space actually exist. Only potential exists. Infinite potential.And at these moments of 'potentiality' our quantum brains are literally in touch with all things, all people, all existence - because at the  quantum level, all matter is 'entangled' - that is, it's one big  'computer' or 'cosmic machine' that can communicate with any part of  itself, from the smallest atom to the rest of entire universe.

Then, as consciousness and intention coalesce into certainty, the state of  potentiality solidifies back into matter and releases the calcium ions into the appropriate - and often new - neural pathways.

Now quite apart from this being pretty amazing in itself, it explains how humans  are remarkably adaptive creatures. It also comes close to finally  understanding inspiration and creativity - and even that feeling of  elation when we experience a thought seemingly out of 'nowhere'.

How Does This Help My Creativity?

Well, first of all, just knowing how the brain's thinking process happens should help you.

Plus, now you'll never believe you can't be 'original' again - especially  knowing an entire universe of possibilities and potential futures are  already inside your head!

My belief is that regular meditation strengthens our brain's ability to sustain these quantum states of potential - thereby helping us to become more creative.

You know the idea that people get stuck in their ways?

I think this is a subconscious allusion to how our minds work. That unless we exercise the  quantum aspects of our thinking, we literally do get stuck on our old neural pathways.

And that allowing our minds the  freedom to behave as they're supposed to, without the old limiting  beliefs and closed rationality of our predecessors, we can finally free  ourselves to fulfill our true potential.

Because, in this new  paradigm of accepting the idea of the quantum brain, creativity, even ability, has nothing to do with age, experience or proficiency. There  are now no limits to the skills we can master and the potential futures  we can literally create from thought alone.

Simply by understanding the theory, meditating on it and believing it works.

After all, the rest of us already know, at least on some level, that faith  has always been part of the answer to everything - success,  spirituality, creativity, whatever - it's only modern 'scientists' that  are resisting the obvious answer.

Keep Writing!


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