
Five Easy Self-Promotion Hacks

  The joy of being a writer is that you can spend a lot of time at home, safe in your own little world, trying to create something meaningful and communicate through the best way possible, that is: through words on a page. Many writers choose this career because either a) they're shy or b) they prefer their own company anyway or c) the world seems a crazy mixed up place that doesn't need much of their involvement. I've spent time in the past with large groups of people who desperately need each other's company - and often - to even begin to function. I've known unfortunate souls that cry unceasingly when they have no friends to call on, or live in torment until they can chat with another. It's called being gregarious, apparently. Thankfully, like most writers, I'm not so afflicted. I've always liked my own company - even when I craved fame in my twenties. I used to forsake the local bars in preference to my guitar or my notebook. Many

Quantum Self Help For Writers

    This week I'm going  to do the one thing that modern physicists apparently hate most - to try and equate quantum mechanics with self help. I say 'modern'  because before Sir Isaac Newton, scientists included lots of free thinking alchemists and philosophers who saw no conflict in mixing metaphysics with scientific practice and experimentation. Ironically, Newton himself wrote more about astrology, numerology and alchemy than he ever did about gravity. You'd think that scientists everywhere would learn from his example. Anyway, recently I've been reading a lot about the latest theories on quantum mechanics - you know, all that stuff that says that at the smallest point of existence, there seems to be nothing rational going on - nothing we can record 'properly' anyway. It seems nowadays quantum physicists are a sullen lot. They want to keep all this mind-blowing good stuff to themselves. They've not only discovered that reality is really just a collect

Writing Style - What Is That?

Let's get one thing straight. A lot of people search the term 'writing style' when they're actually looking for 'writing fonts'. I know. I regularly get Google visitors getting to my sites when they've typed in 'tattoo writing styles' or 'graffiti writing styles'. Clearly, they're not looking for 'writing style' at all but rather a collection of fonts they can refer to, copy, or learn from. 'Style' is different - more aligned to technique than anything else. There are various official writing styles - but these are more specifically ways of constructing essays or theses rather than referring to what most writers regard as 'ways of writing'. The APA style is set by the American Psychological Association and is basically a way of organizing information for reports and social science documents. Hardly of use to the average creative writer. The MLA style dictated by the Modern Language Association is favored

Writers Count Words

The author John Braine (Room At The Top, The Crying Game) once said, "A writer is someone who counts words." Do you? You should - because it's a sure fire way of getting around writer's block -and a good way of keeping yourself on track. Having specific word counts to aspire to, will keep you writing more - and for longer.  You'll have more to show for your efforts, more to submit, and consequently more work coming in.  Your writing success is directly correlated to your word count. Last night I was talking to a writer - well, someone who wanted to be a full time writer - and she told me she'd taken a year to get to her manuscript to where it was now.  I asked, casually of course, how many words she'd written so far. "Four thousand," she said.  Four thousand!   G'ah - that's less than eleven words a day - what's she doing, I thought, chiseling them in stone? By stunning contrast, Robyn held the whip to me yeste

How To Bare Your Soul To Your Readers

  Many new writers are afraid of opening up and letting people know what they're like inside. They're nervous of allowing readers access to what they think and believe. They don't want people to see inside of them because they're afraid of criticism and ridicule. How do you defeat this debilitating condition?  Because, really, that's what it is. In reality, nobody important is going to attack you or your writing. Even if they do, what does it matter? You should know that critics display much more about their own failings when they attack others. You need to get over any insecurities about the way you express yourself and find the strength to be honest, at least in your writing. The fact is your writing will never truly soar unless you have the courage to let it all out and 'expose yourself' to the world. Oooh-er! Seriously, you will only ever be seen as 'original' if you learn to be open and honest in your writing. Your own sl

Instant Inspiration for Writers

  A student contacted me the other day to say that she'd been reading some bestselling books to inspire her - but that unfortunately it was having the opposite effect! She said she was feeling very intimidated by the way these bestselling authors spun words, described everything so beautifully and really got her involved in the story. She came away from reading feeling depressed that she could never compete, that she would never be as good as these other writers. She asked if I might read one of these authors, dissect their style and tell her how she might emulate these great writers. I flinched inwardly. I couldn't help myself. Because I make it a rule NOT to read great authors when I'm writing a novel - for exactly the same reasons as my student! A long time ago I discovered that reading writers like Stephen King, Robert Harris, Michael Chrichton and James Patterson stopped my writing in its tracks.  These guys write with such flair - they make it seem so easy that yes, I

The Ideas Store

  This must be the single most fascinating issue amongst new writers - and non-writers alike. Throughout their careers, authors are consistently asked the same question: Where  do you get your ideas from? As though there is some secret locked store-room full of them, hidden away, and that only the best writers are mysteriously given the key. If you're one of those people that has apparent trouble coming up with  ideas, let me reassure you right away. You already hold the key to the  'idea store'. Just like any other writer or creative person, the ideas are inside your head - and all you need is an easy way to tap into them. Something I'm just about to give you. You may not be conscious of it now but your subconscious is a swirling mass of ideas just waiting for your attention. The problem for most long term writers is not 'Where do I get ideas?' but  'Which one of the thousands I have am I going to work on next?' The  dilemma then becomes 'When am