The Culprit That Dare Not Speak Its Name

On average the number of people dying each year in Australia has increased by 10 percent since the vaccine roll out. In fact nobody in the land of Oz died of Covid-19 until the vaccine was rolled out. Let’s go further. There is a direct correlation between the mRNA vaccine and excess deaths all over the World.
There, I said it.
(And why shouldn’t I say it if it’s my truth.)
It’s ridiculous that the medical establishment here now wants to investigate why suddenly more people are dying. Absurd because the cause is so blatantly obvious.
The vaccine is the “cure” that dare not speak its name.
We’re not allowed to speak ill of the vaccine because our rulers invested billions into its development and roll-out. The media are gagged by the government position, which is basically: THOU SHALT NOT QUESTION THE EFFICACY OF THE VACCINE.
We’re all part of this Second Deception.
The First Deception was that the vaccine was any kind of cure. It wasn’t. In fact they had to change the definition of vaccine to enable them to force mRNA technology into the marketplace - heavily subsidized by the governments who indemnified Big Pharma from liability along with presumably any responsibility for the collateral damage arising from never EVER being able to lay blame at their door.
The Third Deception will be the constant rewriting of history whereby the vaccine causes no harm, cures diseases, and we’re all much better off because mRNA technology will create a brighter new future. All of which are lies that we will carry to our deaths, aided and abetted by the media, social and actual, the authorities, and the rest of the self-delusional who inhabit our planet.
Honestly, as a species, there’s no hope for us.
We’d rather die than admit the truth.
There was no pandemic until the vaccine caused one.
There I said it again.
Apologies to anyone who doesn’t want to hear my truth.

Of course all of the above I could claim is merely my opinion. Remember opinions? Before Covid-19 we were allowed to exercise our right to express ourselves, say whatever we wanted, even stupid things that were false or delusional.

All that has stopped. Now we need disclaimers or we’ll be censored. Scrub that, they don’t even bother with “fact-checking” anymore. You just get scrubbed. Continue to spread your truth and expect your career to be destroyed, your ability to disseminate information curtailed, your voice silenced.

Doesn’t that sound like a fascist-state answer to free speech?

Doesn’t sound very free to me.

Or fair, nor even appropriate.

There’s been a whole lot of changes happening in the world since the vaccine. I would say since Covid-19, but the virus was never the problem. The problem came with the First Deception. Not because that Deception was a particular bad thing but it did prove that one thing was possible…

It was possible to deceive the entire population of the world using media censorship and, for good measure, obfuscation of the enemy. It’s a totalitarian dream that could only work with the participation of the Internet giants. Get them onside, with monetary or literal coercion, and you can set the stage, continue the lies, and undermine the truth so much that the public doesn’t know what or who to believe anymore.

We live in a Matrix-like cocoon of managed misinformation.

And yes, I know, now I sound crazy. And that proves what I’m saying. When you speak anything like “the truth”, thanks to the inspiring work of all those wonderful three letter acronyms, you always sound crazy these days.

Thanks, guys. Job done.

I’m officially a funny farmer because I have the audacity to stand by my opinion.

Of course I do. I have truth - and facts, dammit - on my side.

Weird that, isn’t it?

The misinformation machine is so effective that if you don’t tow the official line, your life may be forever plagued by forces that would silence you and try to make you feel small, irrelevant, and wrong. And by “forces” I mean your job, your school, your bank, your doctor, any kind of authority, even your neighbors and friends.

But since when do we need to be silenced for allegedly having the wrong opinion?

Apparently all the time now. Social media used to be a fun place to express outrageous indignation and show a healthy disrespect for authority. That was until the government realized it was a powerful tool that could get them voted in and out of power.

So they threatened to legislate social media and search engines out of existence unless they too, towed the official line - that is, to help spread the lies required by governments to rule effectively.

The whole world is now a 1984 blueprint where truth and facts are distorted to follow the official narrative, even when that story is patently - and provably - absurd.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter this new reality.

We’re doomed until we wake up and make a definitive change for the better.

And please, we must stop lying to ourselves about the vaccine!


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