
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Tall Poppy Syndrome

Why is it that the more successful you become, the better you get at doing what you do, the more people want to criticise you? It's a bizarre phenomenon that seems to be far more prevalent in Australia than in the US. In fact, in Australia, we have a name for it. It's called the Tall Poppy Syndrome. It assumes that if you achieve success - or even want to be noticed for something you're doing, then everyone else has a  right  to cut you down.  To the extent that 'it's your own fault' for raising your head above the other flora.  It doesn't matter how proud or good and  right  you are - the fact you have the audacity to stand tall must mean you deserve every bit of criticism you get! I've noted that Americans love success - in whatever arena, artistically, creatively, even in business. Doesn't matter - success is the pinnacle of the American Way.  Not so in Australia. Success is treated with suspicion, even fear by the lo...

It's Okay to Break The Rules

Today I'm giving away a free course. The Instant Author Kit. It's all part of the official launch of the Writing Academy. You may see some ads about it on Facebook. Please share this article wirh anyone you feel might be interested in this new course! Anyway, this week's article is about changing writing rules when you feel the need! Keep Writing Rob Parnell Your Success is My Concern The Writing Academy It's Okay to Break the Rules (Sometimes) Recently I've changed the way I write fiction. You know me. For years I've been saying the best way to get past novel writing blocks is to write your first draft quickly. Get the words and the story down first and worry about the editing later. This process certainly works if you're having doubts about your ability to actually get a whole book written. The principle of letting go of your inner critic is valuable - especially if you're prone to bloc...

Self Publicity - At What Cost?

Share: It's one of the problems with writing: if you want people to buy your work, you need to let them know about it. And you have to balance this issue with how marketing can seem a bit vulgar - even desperate - sometimes. It's like the ads on TV. We say we don't like them but we know that TV wouldn't exist without them. Couldn't. Nor could magazines or newspapers - or, more especially these days, the Internet. Sorry to burst your bubble on this but if you think the Net is in any way free, you're kidding yourself. For a start, how much do you pay your service providers EVERY month? And how exactly do you think Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon have survived for so long? It sure ain't charity, Bub, I can tell you that much. I know. We'd like to think, as writers, we can be quiet, reserved, indeed anonymous - and people will somehow hear about us and buy our books -...

Secrets of a Freelance Writer

It's taken me a long time to get this right: 97 video lectures, 128 pdf downloads, 8 ebooks, 11 exercises and activity sheets to help you make a lot of money as a writer. I wanted to get this course perfect for you. Secrets of a Freelance Writer . Thousands of dollar value. All just $27 - for this weekend only. Keep Writing! Rob Parnell Better Than The Rest Secrets of a Freelance Writer Do You Sincerely Want To Be Wealthy? Take my hand and I guarantee you can change your life. Simply become a freelance writer and take charge of your total freedom, independence, and your new found riches. I want to fill you in on what I’ve been doing recently, on how I’ve been trying to come up with something to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams. My latest course, Secrets of a Freelance Writer is really my magnum opus, my swansong – the most epic achievement of my life up to this point! Okay, all that might sound a b...