The Art of Story Revealed

I don’t do as many live seminars as I used to but when I do, the most popular topic is my Art of Story course. 

I once gave a whole day over to the course with a live audience, slides, and an intense Q&A. It was great fun. Plus I got to go to Singapore to give it, which is a lovely city in the springtime.

The best part about The Art of Story is that it’s a fun way for writers and authors to learn something new. Plus the substance can be easily implemented immediately after the course and turn amateur writers into seeming professionals instantly. 

It’s all about structure, you see.

The Art of Story shows you what the greats, the classic literary authors, and modern bestselling authors have known all along: that structure IS story. 

That even a bad story well told will be considered brilliant. And that, conversely, a good story told badly just won’t work. Ask any Hollywood producer if you don’t believe this is true!

The story-telling structure that is used is simple yet profound and if you begin to use the structure yourself, you’ll find it immensely helpful when you’re trying to get published and when you’re selling your own books, perhaps on Amazon - which just about EVERYONE is doing these days!

Structure is crucial when you want to look professional and inspire trust in readers, fans, and industry people like literary agents and traditional publishers.

I have revisited The Art of Story for my new Writing Academy. It’s now in four parts, lessons if you like, with a couple of bonus ebooks to help with your creativity.

Plus this one’s a bargain. Robyn, my beloved wife, (and resident mystic) recently told me that eight was currently my lucky number.

So what better way to celebrate that fact than by releasing this course at the one-time special offer price of $8 - normally $197.

That’s a huge discount!

Go here to enroll: 

Right now!

Keep Writing!

Rob Parnell
Your Success is My Concern
Rob Parnell's Writing Academy


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