There's Still Time to Register for The Early Bird

Dear Fellow Writer,

Been a busy week putting together the last few modules of my new video lecture course.

If you saw my email last Friday, I invited you to join the Early Bird list for "The Easy Way to Write Short Stories That Sell - The Udemy Course."

Thanks to everyone who has already registered their interest!

If you haven't already done so, it's not too late to get on the Early Bird List. Enter your email here and now:

The course launches next week, but only to the Early Bird participants.

You'll receive early access AND over 50% off the minimal registration fee. 

I'm doing this so you have the opportunity to improve your writing skills immediately and get writing for profit within days - if that's what you want!.

As well as fifty-two video lectures - YES, 52! - you also get numerous text-based writing courses and dozens of pre-designed templates that will help you come up with ideas, structure, format, and write salable short stories in no time at all.

The lecture course will also be mentored by me during its duration- I'll be online during the entire first launch to give advice, guidance, and one-on-one feedback for each Early Bird student.

If this sounds like the kind of course you could use, don’t hesitate to join the list here:

Look forward to seeing you in class!

All the best,

Rob Parnell
Your Success is My Concern


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