A Personal Invitation from Rob Parnell

Dear Fellow Writer, 

Would you like to start making money writing and selling short stories?


If so, I’m inviting you to join my new Video Lecture Course, which launches in the next couple of weeks.

It’s called “The Easy Way to Write Short Stories That Sell” – and is an information and feature packed writing resource like no other!

If you want EARLY ACCESS, enter your email here, right now: SIGN UP 

In this special course – my first ever VIDEO Lecture Series - offered exclusively through Udemy - I’ll be covering:

·        How to come up with original ideas instantly
·        How to plot a story in less than ten minutes
·        How to write a short story in an hour
·        How to sell short stories to the marketplace
·        How to make money from stories on Amazon
·        How to improve your writing success
·        How to easily acquire a professional writer’s mindset
·        And much more!

I’ve put my best teaching methods to use in this course, so you'll learn through a combination of video lessons delivered by me, real life examples, and case studies, even quizzes to check your progress, and lots of supplemental material.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in the course.

Feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues who would benefit!

All the best,

Keep Writing!

Rob Parnell
Your Success is My Concern
The Easy Way to Write


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