The 7 Rules of Success

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Your Success is My Concern 

The 7 Rules of Success
7 Rules of Success

1. You are the expert on you.

You don't need anyone to tell you what your problem is - and you don't need people to reassure you of your brilliance.

Nobody else knows you as well as you do. 

Therefore, you are the only person who can and should decide what is right for you. 

No-one else's opinion matters.

2. You are not broken; you do not need to be fixed.

This fact may come as a shock to your friends, partner, and family, who probably never tire of listing your faults and reminding you of your failures.

Remember you have a God-given right to be exactly who you are, and are allowed to decide what you do with your life. 

You must embrace all of the qualities you possess, good and bad. 

It is your job to enhance those qualities and use them to your and everyone else's advantage - it's doing this that makes your way unique.

3. You already have all the resources you need to succeed.

Even if you don't have the necessary skills required, you know how you can get them. 

You know what you have to do to acquire them. 

What matters is that you understand this about yourself. 

There is nothing that you cannot achieve if you are sufficiently motivated.

4. You can achieve anything if you break down the task into small enough chunks.

As a writer, you'll be aware of this one. 

Nobody writes a big book all in one go. 

You have to break it down, building the edifice one word at a time if necessary. 

That's how all great people achieve anything - consistent, even if sometimes only minimal action.

5. If what you're doing isn't working, you will do something else.

Only a fool keeps banging his head against a brick wall when it's clear he's not knocking the thing down. 

A wise person, like yourself, will change tack and try a different method for bringing down the wall - or simply climb over it.

6. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

Successful people are not lucky. 

They just got used to failing more than most. 

That's how it works. 

You try lots of things, lots of new ventures and projects. 

Some work out, some don't. 

It's a fact of life. 

You just need to go with the stuff that works.

7. You are creating your future NOW!

Everything you are doing in the moment is creating an inevitable future. 

If you want to be successful in the future, you must start behaving like a successful person now, this minute, and make the kinds of decisions about your time and efforts that will bring about the future you want.


Be the person - the writer - you want to be, right now

Keep Writing!

Rob Parnell



Sherlock Holmes


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