What To Do When You're Completely Blocked
Dear Fellow Writer, I'm taking some time off this week - a risky thing to do when your mental well-being relies on regular writing. As much as I've enjoyed catching up on the gardening and sorting through my electronic leads bag, I'm Jonesing over my lack of word output. Please, encourage me to get back to writing by pre-ordering my next novel! Thanking you in advance. Keep writing! Rob@easywaytowrite.com What to Do When You're Blocked Call a plumber. Seriously, there are times when the muse disappears; when all the words in the world seem to have gone on vacation - or at least to a place just out of reach. No signal, in mobile parlance. The thing is that when you're writing for a living you can't afford to spend long periods blocked. It's just not an option. Plus, it's kind of absurd. If you worked in a hospital, you wouldn't be able to complain about Doctor's Block . Similarly, if you were a childcare prov...