The Truth is Out There

"Getting paid for writing, son, is a triumph of tenacity over intelligence."

I love this quote - it's one of my favorites - not least because it's one of my mother's.

Mommie Dearest has always regarded writers - and me especially - as odd sorts. 

The idea that we would spend a large portion of our day knocking out words has always struck her as, in her word, silly.

A waste of time, basically, and not the sort of occupation for a sane person. 

She may be right but that doesn't stop it from being a compulsion for me - and most other writers I know.

I remember once when she came to visit me - which only happens about once a decade. 

I was at a particular low point. Can't remember why. I think I'd just lost my way after a deal fell through. One of those times, you know?

It was with great glee and insistence that she leaped on my misfortune and told me the situation was a God-given sign that I should give up all this arty stuff and settle down - get a proper job and be normal, as though that's a cure for anything.

That one time I thought she was on to something and I got a job as a storeman then a purchasing manager for a big city investment firm. 

God how I hated that place - although the experience of working 9 to 5 did teach me a lot about human nature - more especially the dark side of my own.

Three years later, a broken marriage and a near nervous breakdown (I realize that now) later, the City and I parted on bad terms and I vowed, "Never again" - again, like you do.

I shouldn't have listened to my mother but I did. 

It wasn't her fault. 

I guess she thought she knew best but didn't really get my total inability to work under other people. 

As I say, not her fault. Mine entirely for not understanding that you really do have to follow your own instincts, even when they seem 'contrariwise'.

A decade later I was able to tell mom about some of my paid writing credits and the quote above erupted from her.

She meant it in a derogatory way, as mothers often do, in case you were wondering. 

Implying the intelligence that would have me 'settle down' was again being corrupted by my 'arty' side.

So be it. 

At least now I'm happy... probably all the more for having hovered near the abyss of the rat race and backed away from its empty allure before too much toxic exposure.

I'm often reminded of these incidents when I'm working on resources for my Academy.

The Academy is of course a collection of everything I've learned about making money as a writer, on and off the Internet.

It's my life's work but I feel compelled to show new authors how to make it on their own terms - without falling for all the traps that often ensnare would-be professional writers looking for opportunities.

I'm reminded constantly of the need for an almost blind faith in yourself as a writer. 

But a faith that is moderated by the feedback you get.

And I don't mean feedback on your writing.

I mean the experiences you encounter. 

There are many sharks out there - not all of them evil. 

Some just want you to work for nothing because you're there - and they think that's what writers do.

Working for free is okay sometimes - if it's going to lead somewhere but most times it doesn't. 

It takes a particular tenacity (that word again) I think to recognize good opportunities - and profit from them in a world that regards writers as odd arty types who will (too often) work very hard for zip.

My Writing Academy is a genuine attempt to show writers they can indeed take control of their careers as long as they're not naive - and have a good guide - someone like moi (IMHO) to guide them.

For a long time I've been preaching that the real writing jobs are off-line but I know this is not what modern would-be writers want to hear. 

Especially now that the Net is such a big part of many writers' lives. 

Many need to believe that the Net can help - and it can, wonderfully, IF you know what to do, how and when and why.

In the mean time my best advice would be: "Don't take too much advice from your mother!"

She doesn't always know best.

Keep writing!

Your Success is My ConcernRob Parnell's Writing Academy


"Don't compromise yourself; you're all you've got."

Janis Joplin - advice from a whiskey-soaked hedonist who died too young to get help. Works for me.


Helenee said…
Yeah -- us, weird written-word lovers...

I am looking sooo forward to your new project about the possible uses of internet by writers; and, though I know it's a very useful tool, I can't help but sometimes question its effectiveness in a case like mine. To explain myself: I come from Greece and I like using my own language, but this
means that I have to deal with a very limited market,perhaps 10 million people in domestic population & a few more millions abroad. Moreover, domestic greek consumers are just starting to get the grip of online purchases, especially in the age group of 15-35 years old.
I wonder if you would have an insight or two about how people like me could benefit from the power of the internet.

Thanks a lot for your wonderful advice,


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