Interview by Word Mage


A quick note again.

The lovely and ultra-talented author Billie Williams interviewed me recently for her Word Mage writing group. A copy of the interview (which I throroughly enjoyed) is available here:

It contains lots of succinct and valuable advice on the craft of writing - and you'll hear things there most writing experts would charge you a fortune to find out!

Best regards, Rob


Anonymous said…
Quite useful. Thanks for the expose.
Hi, Rob. Love the newsletter. Just one tiny thing about the most recent one... You're thinking of the Hydra, not Medusa. Medusa was a gorgon, a kind of demigoddess with snakes for hair, whose glance turned people to stone. Perseus cut her head off, but he only had to do it once... Anyway, thanks for all your hard work on the newsletter :)
Tom said…
I realize this is not relevant to the interview, but I wanted to point something out to you about your latest newsletter, and I didn't know if replying would get it to you.

One little point: Hydra was the monster with the multiple heads which re-grew two heads when one was cut off. Medusa was the lady with snakes for hair, who, when you looked at her, would turn you to stone.

Otherwise, your e-mail post is dead on.


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