Time, The Greatest Healer

When I was young I thought the whole point of growing up was to become wise. To become clever and make smarter decisions. I thought that's what life was all about. After all, we spend anything from ten to twenty years at the beginning of our lives learning stuff - presumably to help us become good adults, better human beings. But one thing that struck me as odd, at school, was that people in the outside world generally didn't seem to get any wiser as they got older. Quite the opposite. The older people got, I noted, the more rigid, inflexible and closed they seemed to become. To say this confused me is an understatement. I remember promising myself I wouldn't get that way. I wouldn't be one of those people who was sure about everything and had a definitive opinion on all things and couldn't see that nothing could be that concrete. You know people like this. They have a lifetime of experiences that have led them to certai...