Making Resolutions That Stick

Probably one of the most frequent questions I'm asked is how can a writer sustain the momentum required to finish writing projects. According to surveys, writing a book at some point is the secret desire of 90% of the population - as though writing a book somehow validates us as humans - and perhaps makes us a little more immortal. But only around 1% of people will ever rise to the challenge - and even they will falter more times than not. Of these would be writers, less than 1% will ever FINISH their books - and just to be even more depressing now, only a handful of that one percent will ever get to be published. Faced with this punishing reality, how do we find the strength to carry on writing? Let me answer by first telling you a story. Once, a very long time ago, I asked a professional motivational guru how I could become rich. I say it was a long time ago because in those days I was very cynical and I asked...