Seven Rules of Success
How do you remain happy? How do you get what you want? Success is often a perception. You either believe you have it or more often you hate yourself for feeling like a failure. Here are my Writing Academy seven rules to live by if you truly want to feel good about yourself - and achieve your most cherished goals and dreams. 1. You are the expert on you You don't need anyone to tell you what you're like or what your are capable of. Nobody else knows you as well as you do. Therefore, you are the only person who can and should decide what is right for you. No-one else's opinion matters. 2. You are not broken; you do not need to be 'fixed'. This may come as a shock to your friends and family - who probably never tire of listing your faults and reminding you of your failures! You have an essential right to be exactly who you are, and decide what you want to do with your life. You must embrace all of the qualities you possess, good and bad. It is your...