You Gotta Face The Fact: Only You Can Save You!

Here is something I hear from my students all the time: If I only had such and such, or so and so, then everything would be fine. Listen. No one is coming to rescue you. No one out there will save you. There is no magical event that can change your circumstance or make you more successful. YOU are the only person who is responsible for your current state of being and YOU are the only person who can change that state and improve on it. In fact you can worsen your current state simply by believing that someone or something out there can, might, or will rescue you. That's faulty logic that you may have arrived at by using what psychologists call magical thinking. You have to accept responsibility for your circumstance and acknowledge that if you don't like where you are and you hate what's happening to you, you MUST do something about it - take action, and do it NOW! The fact is that having faith in a magical solution will only take you further into madness. The first r...