On Being a Modern Writer

Nobody will ever miss something you didn't write. People don't wish they could find a genius they are unaware of, hanker after a writer to inspire them, or wish they could find the book that hasn't been written. It's the harshest reality a writer must face. Nobody cares whether you finish your magnum opus - or gives a toss whether you work on it at all. A book is nothing until it's published - and even then, given the way things are, it's unlikely to sell more than a few copies. Funny, I write for a living. Have done for the last 20 years. You can get a lot of eyes on things if you include the words: “money, fast and easy” in your marketing but write about anything else and your stuff pretty much disappears. It’s never stopped me though, because I’m a writer, and writers write, no matter what happens… can you say that? Writers must find their own reasons to write - and be self-motivated enough to continue without anything but selfish...