The Art of Focus

More than half the battle when you're trying to write is remaining focused enough to complete a project. It used to be that most writers complained about lack of time to finish their novels, even their short stories, and articles. Life has always had a way of distracting us from our goals - and that was before the Internet. Yes, there was such a time. It reminds me of that old joke. "How did we ever look busy at work before computers?" Now it's like, "How did we ever fill our time before the Net?" A hundred years ago – in the evenings before TV - we sat in candlelight, singing songs around a piano. Or we got pissed on gin in a tavern. Then came TV and we sat around watching black and white drama and variety shows on the BBC, who (my mum says) told you when to go to bed when they stopped broadcasting. Now it's all gone crazy. 24/7 ...