
Showing posts from September, 2017

5 New Realities Authors Don’t Want to Hear

Recently there have been articles in the media about the plight of the publishing industry and the state of play for authors in particular. Here's a roundup of what these reports are saying.  I believe you should take note, even if you don't want to be reminded of the new realities of writing books for a living! 1. Traditional Publishers Finally Reveal the Facts The truth is that when you're signed to a traditional publisher, there's no guarantee you'll make enough money to live on. Less than one in a thousand authors with traditional publishing deals make over $100K per annum. In fact, 99% of published authors make less than $2000 a year. Writers have long believed the myth that 'getting published' is the answer to their goals. The reality is different. Even with all the “advantages” of distribution to retailers worldwide, third-party promotion, and the “kudos” of being signed to a publishing house, the vast majority of traditionally...

The 4 Phases of Wisdom

Achieving what you want is made possible - or impossible - depending on what you know, what you think you know - and where you are on your path toward success. What follows is a guide to identifying where you are on the 'wisdom cycle' that defines your relationship with your current goal. Knowing exactly where you stand will often help you! 1. Genesis & Generation This is where you first get the idea. It's fresh. It's inspired. It's all perfectly possible. Hold fast to this moment. Enjoy the feeling because this sensation rarely comes back with such intensity. It's the time when a novel – or any big project - seems more than doable. So easy, in fact, your outcome feels like it already exists! It's the time when, despite all outward appearances or reality, absolutely anything is possible. Use this first phase to dream - and dream big. See yourself in the position of power and success that your inspiration has brought you. Generate ...

The Six Secrets of Author Success

It's one thing to be able to write - but it's quite another to gain the mindset of a professional author. Here are six tips that will make the difference between wishing for success and actually achieving your dreams - and being able to hold on to them when they come true! 1. Plan Everything Being a full-time writer is not like having a normal job. You have no boss telling you what to do and you have no targets your department has to reach. You need to be entirely self-motivated. When I meet people who are unemployed, I usually ask them what they do all day. When they say 'nothing much' I'm stunned. I'd rather they said 'get stoned a lot, party and play video games' - at least that's doing something! But I understand that self-motivation is a hard discipline to master. It takes dedication and practice. Perhaps we should teach it in school. After all, gainful employment is no longer guaranteed in these days of economic ...