Purge - announcing the proud re-release of my classic novel

Purge by Rob Parnell Recently I met an editor online by the name of Peter Wilson. I can’t quite remember how we began talking. I think he emailed me a question about one of my Academy courses and we hit it off. We got to chatting. I was interested in what he had to say because he said he’d been editing a detective thriller that had just been released on Kindle. It was a genre piece and I wondered if he might be interested in editing my next detective thriller, at the moment called, All The Right Reasons . Peter said he’d be interested and where was the manuscript? I had to break it to him that although I’d finished the first draft, I wasn’t ready to hand the story over to him yet. You see, that’s the thing with work in progress manuscripts. The author has to do everything he can to make the story AND THE TEXT perfect BEFORE he hands the MS over to an editor. That’s the way of the professional: make your manuscript PERFECT b...