Fame - A Writer's Guide

New Year's Day - funny how everyone wants to make plans for a better life during this one part of the calendar. There are writers making promises to themselves - and us - on Facebook as we speak. I'm in contact with several new writerly and sales focused people who are all launching themselves, and their new ventures, today or some time this week. I bet even you too are making resolutions to create a more effective version of yourself in 2016. Why do we do this? Why is the turning of the clock from one year to the next so important to us? It's about personal accountability - and the changing of the final digit from 5 to 6 means we're compelled to assess our progress. Did we achieve what we set out to last year? Probably not! We get so wrapped up in life that we don't seem to be able to move forward. Our dreams are often on hold while we deal with the ordinary stuff of living. This is why I created my latest course - "...