How to Write a Story That Will Sell
The difference between a good story and great story is like the difference between a pop song and a symphony. While many pop songs work well, are catchy and appealing, and you may even fall in love with them for a time, a symphony is something of far more weight, depth and significance. In a symphony, the composer takes a theme and explores it, breaks it down, reinvents it and shows it in many different lights until the listener is aware that the composer fully understands his art, and can relate in musical form the reasons for him wanting to develop a particular musical idea in the first place. A symphony is not just a tune or three strung together, it's an exploration and a celebration of the human condition. So it is with writing stories - or should be. A simple story is one dimensional: A character has an agenda that is thwarted once, twice, maybe more, until his goal is achieved. That's it. Easy to follow, appealin...