7 Strategies to Kick-Start Your Imagination
MY CURRENT AMAZON KINDLE BESTSELLERS: Click on any of the covers to find out more! Seven Strategies to Kick-Start Your Imagination New writers often ask me what they should write about. How do you get ideas? they ask. I know I want to write but I can't think of anything interesting enough to fire my imagination. To be honest, I think that coming up with ideas is a largely a learned skill that gets easier with practice. Writing regularly has a way of triggering the mind into coming up with ideas, almost as a byproduct of the writing process. But if you're stuck, how do you re-ignite your little gray cells? Here are seven strategies that may help you. 1. Read Outside Your Comfort Zone Don't read whole books, be a browser. Pick up books and magazines you would never normally touch and read things at random. Go to Amazon and download lots of free samples on science, anthropology, astronomy, history, eclectic stuff you wouldn't norma...