
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Action Tree

Dear Fellow Writer,  Get my NEW THRILLER - updated and re-edited this week - here: KINDRED by Rob Parnell at "Matthew Reilly Meets Stephen King... grabs and won't let go."  It's the holiday weekend. Almost didn't do a newsletter today. Robyn said: "Do you really want your subscribers to know you have no life?" But, but writing is my life... Seriously, we will be taking some time off this arvo onwards - until Tuesday would be my guess! Keep writing! THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: The Action Tree Rob Parnell   A beautiful and talented person - like all of my cool subscribers, you included - suggested that I perhaps write a course about planning. Specifically about The Big Plan you might make that would change your life, especially if you're considering a writing career that would sustain you (...

The Double Edge of Writing - and Fame

Dear Fellow Writer, Get my NEW THRILLER - updated and re-edited this week - here: KINDRED by Rob Parnell at "Matthew Reilly Meets Stephen King... grabs and won't let go."    Strange week - quiet mostly. Must be the time of year. The  perfect time for crawling into a cozy chair or bed and reading! I hope your writing is going well - whatever you're tackling at the moment. See below to understand while it's always worthwhile to continue! Keep writing! THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: The Double Edge of Writing - and Fame Rob Parnell   It's a funny thing that we writers want some degree of success - at the very least what we call 'validation' for the work we put into creating books, articles, movies or other media based projects. But ironically just by producing anything you want 'seen' you run the risk of rece...

Writers Beware - Era Publications

Get my NEW THRILLER here: KINDRED by Rob Parnell at "Matthew Reilly Meets Stephen King... grabs and won't let go." Hello and a hearty welcome to this week's special newsletter. I'd like to personally thank each and every subscriber - all 79,643 of you - for loyally tuning in to my weekly missive! Click PLAY on the above to see my latest video song. It's the old Cat Stevens number rebooted for my new movie, First Cut . Keep reading, watching and writing! Rob Parnell R&R Books Film Music THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: The Quality of Mercy: The Bitter End of Era Publications Rob Parnell You may remember that some time last year I told you about my darling wife's battle with her former publisher, Era Publications . I thought that fair warning to writers to stay away from this small time education publisher would be enough - because the outcome of Robyn's longstanding arbitration with Era wasn...

Writing About Feelings

Dear Fellow Writer,  Get my NEW THRILLER (and free stuff): KINDRED by Rob Parnell at "Matthew Reilly Meets Stephen King... grabs and won't let go."  Just finished a movie trailer which you can see by clicking the above! Keep reading, watching and writing! THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: Writing About Feelings Rob Parnell This week a new subscriber asked if I had any advice on writing about emotions. I thought hard about her question.  Perhaps too hard, judging by this article! I realized that whilst I mention this aspect of writing often in my courses and articles, specifically I lean towards the idea that the simple transference of 'feelings' on to the page is not always a very successful enterprise. Mainly because emotions are so nebulous - and often mean different things to different people. A writer who intends to connect with a reader must do more than blandly state their feelings. ...