
Showing posts from May, 2012

Unleash the Genius Within

Thanks to everyone who said such nice things about my interview.  It hadn't really occurred to me that I might seem different in person! If you missed the video, it's here: Here's my latest writing course: Keep Writing! Rob Parnell THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: Another trip down memory lane. This article has been reprinted and cited hundreds of times in the last decade... Unleash the Genius Within Rob Parnell This is a three-stage process.  First, you need to break down your preconceptions about what you think being a genius is. When you call someone a genius, what do you mean? * That they display characteristics that seem to be above the common herd?  * That they think ahead of their time?  * That they seem to be able to create perfect art with little or no effort? Einstein was a genius they say. So was Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Beethoven and Van Gogh.  Why?  Because they ea...

Watch & Win!

WATCH & WIN! Simply watch the video below... ... and answer a simple onscreen question - for your chance to win The Write Stuff - my latest and greatest new writing course!   Here's what you could win: Soon to be $370 through The Writing Academy , The Write Stuff could be yours FREE - five lucky winners will be announced next FridayI Hurry - full instructions are on the video! Play it now - and win! Keep Writing. Rob Parnell   How to Believe in Yourself Rob Parnell There will be many times when your self confidence is tested.  Sometimes to a painful degree.  Don't you be one of those that falls victim to the idea that you lack the self confidence to succeed. You don't. All you might lack from time to time is self belief - a temporary aberration that is easily fixed. First off, you need to understand that self doubt is completely different from lack of self belief....

R&R Big Video Update

Robyn and I have just put together an update on yesterday's documentary release - feedback, new projects - which you can ask for! - and a special offer on my writing course "The Hero's Journey in Fiction". Keep Writing! The Easy Way to Write

I See DEAD People - new video

Hi Peeps, I've been working on a documentary project for a while now. It's called " I See DEAD People ". I'm fascinated by those folks who consider themselves psychic or clairvoyant - my beloved wife, Robyn Opie Parnell, being one of them! This doco is a kind of investigation into the phenomenon. It's in glorious HD at YouTube, so it's good quality - but if you're having trouble watching it, just lower the quality using the little wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the screen on YouTube. (I only mention this because here in Australia we have connections SO SLOW we can rarely watch HD online! Thanks to Telstra - yuk!) Anyway, feel free to leave comments, Subscribe to R&R and share the vid if you like it. More from R&R coming soon - much more! Your Success is My Concern

When You Don't Feel Like Writing

  I hope you're well and happy and full of The Write Stuff today. Almost finished the first part of my new doco - "I See Dead People" . Yay! I should be able to put up the first nine minutes on YouTube later today. I think it's working well... When it's complete I'm going to try and get it on the festival circuit - and apply for post production funding.  Plus of course the new HD camera means I'll be working on lots of new projects this year, including Easy Way to Write stuff and a couple of exciting drama features in the pipeline. After the doco, I'll be trawling the planet for a couple of young actors! Keep Writing. Rob Parnell THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: When You Don't Feel Like Writing Rob Parnell Just because you start writing doesn't mean you know where you're going - or even that you feel like doing it.  Sometimes you get days like these, when you know you must write (to live or ea...

Becoming a Better Writer

  Funny week - me trying to battle the overgrown garden in between getting to know my new camera (a gorgeous Canon XF300). And Robyn out of the house, busy in the city... This week I thought we'd celebrate our ten years online by going back to the very first article I wrote for the Easy Way to Write. I got $50 for it, courtesy of Booklocker - thanks, guys. Keep Writing. Rob Parnell THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: Becoming a Better Writer - A Ten Step Guide Rob Parnell The urge to write fiction seems God given for some, a learned skill for others. One thing is certain – it requires practice and a particular mindset. But, if you’re a beginner, where do you start? The following 10 tips will help kick-start your writing habit, whether you’re a complete novice, or perhaps a pro who has lost their way! 1. Step Away From the Car, Sir. Slightly detach yourself from your surroundings. Stop participating and begin observing. In social situations, watch...

The Writing's On The Wall

  Welcome, my dear subscriber!  You're in an ever growing army of writers who receive my newsletter every week. Thanks for all the positive feedback you send me - daily! And thank you for being a crucial part of The Easy Way to Write! Keep Writing. Rob Parnell THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: The Writing's On The Wall Rob Parnell I was thinking about this phrase as I woke up this morning... Where does it comes from? Which wall do they mean, anyway? Who put it there? And since when has graffiti been so prophetic? Whatever the origins of the phrase, we all know its implied meaning: you have to live by the consequences of your actions. Or - fate has a way of catching up with you. Karma, in other words. Being a writer at home is one thing - you can be private and most of what you do will have no major effect on the world - until the day your words get published in some form or another. Fame or some kind of notoriety will often bring you and your words, deeds ...