The Search for The Answer...

When I was young I thought the whole point of growing up was to become wise. I guess I thought that's what school was about. After all, we spend anything from ten to twenty years at the beginning of our lives learning stuff - presumably to help us become better adults, better human beings. One thing that struck me as odd , at the time, was that people didn't seem to get any wiser as they got older. Quite the opposite. The older people got, I noted, the more rigid, inflexible and closed they seemed to become. To say this confused me is an understatement. I remember promising myself I wouldn't get that way. I wouldn't be one of those people who was sure about everything - had a definitive opinion on all things and couldn't see that nothing could be that concrete. You know people like this. They have a lifetime of experiences that have led them to certain beliefs that may be true for them, yet aren't always part of others'...