How Many Pages Did You Write Today?
I saw this question posted on Facebook this week. Around 20 writers responded with anything from 3 to 30 pages, while quite a few bemoaned the fact they hadn't written any - and hated themselves (and the other writers) for it! Do you agonize over your daily page count? You really shouldn't. It's not the page count, or the word count that matters. It's turning up that's important. As long as you're there, writing or intending to write every day, you'll do fine. Writing success is a long term proposition. If you're a newbie and you want to make a career out of writing, think in terms of five years. From now till then. That's about right. Writing is actually the easy bit compared to forging a paying lifestyle at it. I know that in this Internet Age, everyone wants fast results and instant success but deep down we all know that's not how it works. Success takes commitment. Being able to write for a living requires effort over the long term. Writing e...