Submitting MSS - An Overview
Rob Parnell It's weird to me that I still get asked, probably three or four times a week, how does a writer get published? My suspicion is that, given the Internet age, young writers especially assume there is some quick and easy solution out there - some secret that need only be discovered - and that the answer can't be so obvious. Because the answer is obvious - and it's the same as it was ten years ago, fifty, one hundred, two hundred years ago. You have to submit your manuscripts to publishers. That's it. No secret. No magic formula. No way around it. And still the most preferred method of submission is off line - snail mail, real world paper, envelopes and stamps. There's a reason for this: namely copyright. Publishers prefer a paper trail and the trouble with email submissions is that a) they tend to get lost, deleted and / or overlooked and b) having a writer's manuscript on their hard drive can expose a publisher to accusations of plagiarism if the write...