The Story Formula
I've been reading Robert McKee's book on 'Story', where he outlines what he perceives to be ideal story structure - not just for movies but for novels and short stories too. He's based his theories on a lifetime of examining story form and structure - and from being employed to read story proposals for Hollywood studios. His conclusions are interesting and educational - not least because they're so specific! McKee is able to identify stories that work and why - but also how to structure them for maximum effect. Below I've tried to summarize his theories. Defining Story Terms First we need to understand the terms of reference Robert McKee uses, in order to fully grasp what he's saying. An Emotional Exchange is the smallest fragment of drama within a story. It is a point at which a character openly deals with either his external world or his internal demons. It is commonly called a Beat. Ideally, a Beat in a story should be non-coincidental, which means it...