The Secret to Writing Good Stories

During some sleepless-night downtime, I was thinking about stories and what made them work, and what made them satisfying to read. I mean, pretty much anyone can sit down and write - but it takes a little extra thought to write a story that other people will care about. And I wondered what that was. Was there a secret ingredient? And if so, is there one word that could sum up what makes a good story? I believe there is. It's not form or content. It's not characterisation or plotting. It's not even talent. I believe you can sum up what makes a story compelling in one word: Survival. It's clear to anyone that studies short stories and novels, even autobiographies and other literary forms that good stories are made up of characters overcoming obstacles. Without obstacles, there's no point in telling a character's story. Without something to fight or yearn for, or dream about, the reader can't identify with and / or get involv...