Passion, Patience and Pride, A Writer's Guide

There's a lot about living a writer's life that is frustrating. Endless rewrites, rejections, angst, self-loathing - but not least is the sheer amount of time people take getting back to us! Publishers are the worst, agents second with editors being marginally faster. The worst response of all - and the reason why the wait can be so hard - is no response at all. Email has made things worse. I don't know how they do it. I make a point of answering all of my emails. But I don't understand professionals who simply choose not to respond at all. I regularly send out submissions to agents when I have a book idea. Strike rate? I'm lucky if 30% respond. The others clearly think the delete button or the waste basket are their most effective business tools. They might be right - for them. But the poor writers who are being ignored, shunned and demeaned by this response surely deserve better. Writers are made to feel sometimes that pride is optional. The crazy ...