Writing - It's All In Your Mind!

Think on this. Our brains are sophisticated organic computers that work all day long, 24-7, to provide us with a model of the universe in which we may thrive and prosper. We survive on the basis there is a reality ‘out there’, outside of our bodies, despite this being an illusion created by the mind inside our heads. We live in a mental construct, the outside world being only a reflection of the world we want to see. Therefore, if we want to change our world, we need to change ourselves first. If we crave success, or need to accomplish great things like write a book, or a series of bestselling books, then first we have to fine tune our brains into accepting a new reality: one where we have a better attitude toward our writing, an improved relationship between our beliefs about what is not possible and what is, and an alteration to our self-image that best accommodates a writer’s lifestyle. Essentially, I believe, we are what we want to be. We become what we focu...